School Doc's Policies and Procedures


SchoolDocs is an online policy platform for schools in Aotearoa. Our SchoolDocs site contains policies and procedures that are specific to Tarras School and can be accessed by the whole school community whenever you need. Policies and Procedures have a termly review cycle where the BOT meet to discuss these and give feedback. At all times, whānau are able to review the policies and procedures and send feedback. Click on the SchoolDocs logo to access the site then use the log in details are below

Username: tarras

Password: shrek

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Cromwell Dental Centre Checketts McKay Law Limited Andrew Tall Electrical Ltd Stroud Homes Southern Lakes ITM Cromwell Versatile Cromwell Harrold Building Ltd Gallaway Cook Allan Lawyers Barrett Homes Tessa Silcok - Harcourts Wanaka Trevor Norman - PGG Wrightson Real Estate
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